McDonlads's Delivery! This is NOT a Joke!
In my apartment buidling, the bottom floor is kind of like an entry-way and reception area, where the elevators are to go up to the apartments.. anyways, in this area there is a table and companies always come by with their flyers (normally its like supermarket stores with the weekly specials) I guess this is the Argentine version of junk mail. Anyways, as I got home the other day, I just had to grab this flyer and scan it in... because the flyer is for McDonald's delivery! For those of you who are non-Spanish speakers, the flyer says: Call to McDelivery. You can enjoy all of our products with the same flavor and quality, but in your office or home.
I wish they had Chick Fil-a delivery right now here in Dallas!
¿Porque serà que a los extranjeros les gusta màs Còrdoba que a nosotros los cordobeces nativos?
PD: Puedo hablar ingles, pero escribo en español porque soy Argentino.
Saludos y que la sigas pasando bien en Còrdoba.
Porque es parte de la cotideaneidad, si estuvieses en canada te gustaria porque todo es nuevo, ahora.. Argentina tiene sus encantos, es un pais que en todo momento tiene cosas nuevas, sucesos mas que extraños para los extranjeros, por eso les gusta pienso yo... el sabra confirmar si estoy en lo cierto...
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