Wednesday, August 23, 2006


i dont have much for this week's post.. other than i was thinking the other day about how is hasnt rained here much... actually i was trying to remember the last time i heard thunder or saw rain..... and i couldnt remember the last time.. since i came in april i think it has rained one time really hard. they say summer here is dry and it sure is!
in 3 weeks is the 7 on 7 football tournament in Rosario.. our team name is the eagles and it is 7 on 7 flag football. somehow i was named starting quarterback, which isnt my strength, but hey, its fun....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Update from Cordoba Argentina

hey, i just want everyone to know that you should be getting a newsletter in the mail in the next few days. please read over it and know that you are a part of what is going on here. also, i would like you to visit our website, which has been updated with a video testimony as well as a new prayer guide. The website is one of the links on the right side of the page, or just type in
hope everyone is doing well!
scott j

Friday, August 11, 2006

Guys Domination of Sequence.... Continues!

This is a great board game that we often play with friends here in Argentina. We are teaching it to more and more people, and we seem to always play girls versus guys. The one thing that also never changes is who wins. The guys have a dynasty going as we have won.. ohh... ive lost track how many times we have won in a row.. it is 10 times now in a row we have won and the girls have only won once!

Friday, August 04, 2006

on vacation

well, i am offically back in the USA.. but only for 1 more hour.. im on vacation to cancun mexico for one week, and I had to go through Miami. Man, LAN chile airlines has some good grub. Last night on the plane for dinner I had some salmon with vegetables and mashed potatoes. Complete with a roll, side salad, piece of cake and candy. As if that isnt enough, they came around with wine too!
so, i will be in cancun for a week.. its kind of weird to think that I'm leaving home.. and that when i think of home i think of my apartment in Cordoba. I am in the same terminal as when i left in April, and I am glad that I am not toting right now all of my personal belongings. I will be working on a newsletter while in cancun, so those of you on my prayer list will be getting that in the mail soon.
ok, im really tired... i love you guys.