Friday, September 29, 2006

News and Pics

well, we had our first retreat this past weekend. it was good except at night i thought i was gonna freeze. we have a friend named lichi (thats a nickname) who has a cabin in a nice place that is about 45 minutes outside of town. 8 of us, plus baby Coen, went there on saturday and sunday. We ate like kings, because one guy named cello (short for marcello) went to chef school. He prepared the best homeade pizzas on the planet. other than eating and hanging out by the fire, we did a lot of relaxing, with some nature walks mixed in.. and some singing and devotional time too.
in other news, my friend javier moved last night. He was in cordoba to find work in an english speaking call center, but he didnt get the job, so he moved back home, which is a town several hours away. we will definitely keep in touch via email and i hope to go visit him sometime. He was just starting to really grasp his nesesity for God and how God could help him.
here are some pics.

my friend javier who is moving away from cordoba

David working hard on the American style breakfast.. scrambled eggs with bacon!

what is a campout without fire?

Coen and Uncle Scott hanging out

the group on the campout

Friday, September 22, 2006

hi from Cordoba

well, its been a week since my last post, so i better update it now. Please leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail ( if you have any suggestions for the content of this blog... more stories? more frequent posts? more serious stuff? more fotos? like Whataburger says.. i want this to be "just like u like it"
the other day i stiffed the taxi driver his money. i was late for school, so instead of walking the 1.18 miles i decided to jump in a taxi. well, we began chatting and everhything and i was late and wasnt thinking.. and i got out of the car... i turned around, realizing i hadnt paid the 3 argentine pesos, and the car was gone.. boy did i feel bad. i did give him my business card, and i was hoping hed contact me so i could pay, but so far he hasnt.
today i bought a sleeping bag for a campout... see yall

Friday, September 15, 2006

Photos of my neighborhood!

well, ive decided to give you a "photo tour" of some of the things that are within a 5 minute walk of my apartment. i could only post 5 pictures at a time, so there are 2 other pictures in a second post, below this one. We begin the tour in Sarmiento park. It is the biggest park in Cordoba, where people exercise, relax, and of course take some mate.

next, we have a bus stop right off of plaza espana. a lot of buses (called colectivos) carrying students stop here.

Here is one of Cordobas biggest palaces, which is now owned by the government.

Here is the american icon.. the golden arches of McDonald's!! this is 2 blocks from my house, and is on plaza espana. There are several other McDonald's in town.. i am guessing but i would say there are maybe 10 McDonald's here.

the last picture is a museum, which is also on plaza espana. behind the museum is the beginning of sarmiento park

a few more pics

some girls playing baseball in p.e. class

an open field in sarmiento park

Monday, September 04, 2006

a very LONG night

so this past weekend i had my first "job" with an argentine company. the company is called all in english. anyways, i had to teach kids english using the theme of the "old west". we taught them all kinds of stuff about cowboys and indians, growing crops, and we even built scarecrows and shelters. those were some of the fun parts.. the not-so-fun part was having to sleep with 19 11-13 year old boys in a bunk house..... well, i shouldnt use the word sleep because there wasnt much sleeping done by anyone.. these kids were off the wall with energy and they were fighting amongst each other.. and when a kid would go to sleep the others would put toothpaste all over their face. at about 4 am i was quite surprised by the silence that finally came.. after about 5 minutes, the silence was interrupted and all of a sudden i hear a kid going crazy, walking around and screaming. to be honest, at first i thought he was demon possessed by the way he was carrying himself and his loud screaming... he was flailing around and injuring his body on the walls, etc. we couldnt get him to wake up and he continued to make a scene, beating on all the beds and what not.... somehow we managed to figure out in his speech that he had to go to the bathroom so we turned on the light to the bathroom and he ran inside.. but 2 seconds later he ran out screaming and shouting that the comode had been stolen by someone.. so we told him that he had to open the door to the stall, that the toilet was there, and he ran in and to his surprise, the toilet was there... wow.. the whole time he was sleepwalking! that was a long night!
upcoming events: sept. 9th going to rosario for a football tournament
september 23-24 a spiritual camping retreat outside the city.