Thursday, March 22, 2007

stretching, homeless guy at mcdonald's, and a traveler from Denmark

Most people know i like to run. one thing that goes with running is stretching.
Stretching is interesting.... you have to find that point where it feels both a little bit uncomfortable, yet really good at the same time. hopefully that makes sense. I think the same thing happens when we truly love. The cross is the greatest example of love (afterall, Jesus himself said "greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends"). In the flesh, the cross was the most painful and uncomfortable thing ever, but in his soul, Jesus was satisfied, because he was performing the greatest thing ever. I think when we truly love people, it will cost us a lot and it will feel really uncomfortable (and even painful), yet at the same time, if we are truly loving it will bring our soul alive, as we are imitating God, and bearing His image within us. Sometimes God calls us to love in ways that the world doesnt understand. Mother Teresa says that no one can do great things. She adds that we can only do small things, with big love. Jesus was remembered for his love. Lazarus was raised from the dead, but eventually died again. The lepers Jesus healed, eventually died from something else, but in these miracles and others, his touch of love will never be forgotten. I remember one time I was driving down the access road to highway 75 in dallas, tx. I saw a homeless guy, and he said he needed money for food. I told him i would be willing to pay for his meal at McDonald's (there was a mcdonald's in sight.. about 1/2 mile down the road at the corner of 75 and Royal). He said that would be great, and he started walking towards the mcdonalds. Then I got a call from God to truly love the guy. I was told to let him in my car and give him a ride up there. When i told him to get in the car, it felt so uncomfortable (he smelled, he was kinda scary looking, etc.) yet at the same time it felt so great, because when i let him in my car he no longer saw the white, middle-class guy, he bagan to see God's image in me, and i saw his face light up, there was a glimpse of a tear in his eye. He felt truly loved at this point. I think he for a brief moment forgot he was homeless and felt amazed that someone would let him ride in the car. We talked over things at McDonald's and then we parted ways. The other day i was hanging out in a park by my house and met a guy from Denmark, named Espan. He is travelling through south america for 6 months. He showed me how to juggle 4 balls, and he could even juggle 5. He was telling me about the hostels, that they can be loud, insecure, and expensive. I sensed a need. God takes care of my needs, and to show this love to others, i want to take care of their needs. i invited him to take a look at my apartment, and if he liked it, he could stay for the week. he said that would be great. Once again, i feel uncomfortable about it.. i mean what if he steals my computer? why should i trust him? but, if i really felt the holy spirit talking to me to offer my place to him, then those questions are really just a mute point. i mean, who cares if my computer is stolen? people have suffered a lot more in their pursuit to love.
many of us love others in many ways... we use the 3 "T's" to love others and love God... the three "T's" are our time, our talents, and our treasures. It feels uncomfortable to sacrifice these things, but i guarantee it will feel right, more than that, it will make you feel more alive than ever.
Join with me in living.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

book suggestion

I am not quite done with it yet, but I would highly recommend "Evangelism Outside the Box" by Rick Richardson. He has encouraged me to go with Jesus to seek and save those who are lost. Jesus said that if he had 100 sheep and 1 was lost, he would go after the lost one and leave the others behind... if I am 1 of those 99 left behind, why not go with Jesus and help him find the lost? It may take sacrifice and it may take me through places ive never been, but then again, finding and befriending the lost is no easy task. Its a glorious one though! If you consider yourself a Christian, how many non-Christian friends do you have? Do you regularly think to invite them into your life? Are you seeking to be involved in their lives?

Saturday, March 03, 2007

1 week back in argentina

so, i am beginning to put some posts up again, and will try to put up 1 per week.
coming back to argentina was smooth.... LAN chile is an airline company that does a great job with their service. i did have a 9 hour layover in miami, but i managed to get a ride to an embassy suites hotel and chill out by the pool during that time.
coming through customs was a bit of a problem with 2 laptops, 2 projectors, and 2 video game systems. they kept the stuff that wasnt mine, and my friends had to pay a fine to take it out of customs.
im back to eating empandandas, pizza, and beef all the time. last night i got my caseratto ice cream fix at about 1 am. and tonight i have some people from the cordoba football team coming over. The XBOX has allready been a hit, with some guys wanting to come over to play it.
gotta go. have a guest coming
bye for now,